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April Dispatches

April Dispatches

United in Service of Defence and Security since 1920

Dear Visitor,

Welcome to the April 2022 issue of our monthly e-newsletter - Dispatches.

We have an exciting line-up for the Rocky Mountain Conference on Security and Defence (RMCSD) and Lunch & Learn. Please see the Upcoming RAUSI Events section below. All the events are free and open to the public. 

Look for the next RAUSI Dispatches in your mailbox Monday, 2 May 2022.

All members are warmly welcomed to contribute newsworthy matters to future monthly issues of Dispatches by e-mailing us at The content submission deadline is Monday, 25 April 2022.

Questions or submission? Write to‍‍‍

We are excited to keep you informed about RAUSI and our upcoming events and news. If you ever find that this e-newsletter is not for you, simply click on the link at the bottom of this newsletter to unsubscribe.

Message from the President

With COVID-19 restrictions lessening and life returning to somewhat normality, we focus on the war in Ukraine and the struggle with the prices of essential commodities. It is important to stay current, but also to remember the past, and once in a while the two cross paths.

The remains of two Canadian soldiers have been identified in the vicinity of Lens, France. These fallen heroes died while fighting oppression in the First World War, not long after Vimy Ridge was in the news. They fought at the battle of Hill 70; they both died; and their bodies were never recovered… until now.
Sergeant Richard Musgrave and Private Harry Atherton were both killed in action on 15 August 1917, during the first day of the Battle of Hill 70.
On 30 April 1915 at age 28, Richard Musgrave enlisted with the 56th Overseas Battalion of the Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF) in Calgary and was later posted to the 7th Infantry Battalion (British Columbia), Canadian Expeditionary Force (CEF).

Private Harry Atherton Joined the 10th Battalion, CEF in Calgary and although it is unlikely that they even knew each other, they both fought and died at the same battle.
On 11 July 2017, skeletal human remains were discovered during a munitions clearing process near rue Léon Droux and rue des Poissonniers, north of Lens, France. A few artifacts were found with the remains and through historical, genealogical, anthropological, archaeological, and DNA analysis, with the assistance of the Canadian Forces Forensic Odontology Response Team, and the Canadian Museum of History, the Casualty Identification Review Board was able to confirm the identity of those remains in 2021.
For more information, visit the Government of Canada website or search Sergeant Richard Musgrave. Information on Private Harry Atherton will soon be released.
Stay healthy and keep informed.

Maj Kent Griffiths, MMM, CD (Retired)
President, RAUSI

Rocky Mountain Conference on Security and Defence

Continuing the style of penetrating analysis that RAUSI enjoyed February 2022 in Dr Sean M Maloney’s analysis of nuclear weapons in the Russia-Ukraine conflict, BGen Gregory B Mitchell (Ret'd) diagnoses misinformation campaigns and Russia’ employment of them in its current dispute with Ukraine.

Join us for our next event 28 April 2022 with BGen Gregory B Mitchell (Ret'd), CD, MPA via Zoom. Visit the website for full event and registration details.

RAUSI Casino - April 29 & 30

RAUSI has been licensed to operate the Casino on 29 and 30 April 2022 at the Elbow River Casino, 218 18 Ave SE, Calgary, AB T2G 1L1 (just off McLeod Trail, west of the Stampede Grounds).

We are looking for volunteers to fill the following positions. No experience is necessary:

  • Cashiers
  • Chip Runners
  • Count Room Staff

The shifts are as follows:

11:15 AM -7:30 PM - Cashiers and Chip Runners
7:15 PM - 3:30 AM  - Cashiers and Chip Runners
*11:15 PM - 3:30 AM - Count Room Staff

11:15 AM -7:30 PM - Cashiers and Chip Runners
7:15 PM - 3:30 AM  - Cashiers and Chip Runners
*11:15 PM - 3:30 AM - Count Room Staff

*Please note that the Countroom volunteers do NOT actually start work until midnight. But we need you on the premises by 11:15 PM to ensure that we have adequate staff.

Should you be able to volunteer, please send an e-mail to Kent Griffiths at

HMCS Tecumseh Winter 2022 Update

HMCS Tecumseh has had a busy and productive training year, including varous training events on the coast and many Diversity and Inclusion activities. Read full story...

RAUSI Takes Note

Increasing Military Exercises

RAUSI has posted a number of articles over the past 18 months which have clearly described the expanding militarization of the Arctic by both Canada’s allies and adversaries alike. The increasing number of military exercises, Arctic-capable equipment purchases, and newly established Arctic military formations must force a debate on how Canada should appropriately deal with these emerging defence and security issues.

Upcoming RAUSI Events

‍Be sure to join us at the following events, and watch the website for more announcements.

RAUSI presents BGen Gregory B Mitchell (Ret'd)

Disinformation Campaigns as Force Multipliers in Armed Conflict:
The 2022 Russia-Ukraine Conflict in Perspective

28 April 2022, 19:00 (Mountain) via Zoom

Registration now open. More details...

RAUSI 2022 Annual General Meeting

12 May 2022

Details to be announced.

RAUSI presents Dr Patrick Brennan
General Sir Arthur Currie, the Hero and the Man

13 May 2022, 12:00 (Mountain) via Zoom or in-person at HMCS Tecumseh

Registration now open. More details...

RAUSI presents Dr Mike Bechthold
Nine Lives: Air Vice-Marshal Raymond Collishaw and his Many Wars

10 June 2022, 12:00 (Mountain) via Zoom or in-person at HMCS Tecumseh

Registration now open. More details...

Videos now available

Members have on-going access to RAUSI presentations by subject matter experts. Be sure to check out these recent videos.

RAUSI presents Dr Darryl Cathcart, EdD
Optimizing Opportunities for Military-Connected Students

Dr Cathcart spoke about the history of education partners in the Canadian Armed Forces and shared his research on the positive impact of education for both serving and retired personnel. Watch video...

RAUSI presents Dr LJ (Joe) Howard, CD
Command Responsibility and Laws of War in Hostile UAV Operations

Dr Howard recently spoke at the 2022 Annual Security and Defence Symposium, 5 March 2022, Edmonton, AB. Watch video...

RAUSI presents Dr Sean M Maloney
Strategic Nuclear Moves During the Ukrainian Crisis of 2022

Recorded on 24 February 2022, less than 24 hours after Russian's invasion of the Ukraine, Sean's up-to-the-minute information and an engaged audience made for an excellent converation. Watch video...

RAUSI presents Dr LJ (Joe) Howard, CD
What Constitutes Security and Defence?

Did you miss the first presentation? A video is now available with the full presentation and ensuing discussion. Watch video... 

In the News


Long-delayed naval facility in the High Arctic now postponed to 2023

Repeatedly delayed plans to establish a military refuelling facility in Canada’s High Arctic have once again fallen behind schedule.

The Department of National Defence said it will now be 2023 before the Nanisivik Naval Facility is operational – 16 years after it was first announced. It was originally supposed to be up and running by 2013. Read full story...


What would give Vladimir Putin a face-saving way to exit Ukraine?

Putin suggested that for the fighting to end, Russia would need not only a Ukrainian commitment not to join NATO in the future, but also to acknowledge Russian sovereignty over Crimea and “independence” for the separatist regions of Donetsk and Luhansk. These still seem to be the principle Russian goals. Read full story...


RAUSI is a Canadian-based forum for global civilians, humanitarian, military and international police communities to present original thought on trending issues, in their formative stages, as they relate to global security and defence.

Formed in 1920 as a think tank, RAUSI later evolved into a service organization for veterans in the decades following the World Wars. In this new era, RAUSI has evolved back into a think tank, publishing original content, curating extant articles, and sponsoring speaker’s symposia which amplify cross-disciplined models of 21st century security and defence.

Copyright © 2022. The Royal Alberta United Service Institute, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Mewata Armoury
801 - 11 Street SW, Calgary, Alberta T2P 2C4 Canada 

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