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RAUSI Dispatches - October 2024

RAUSI Dispatches - October 2024

United in Service of Defence and Security since 1920

435 Transport and Rescue Squadron transports evacuees from Oxford House, Manitoba, due to forest fires during Operation Lentus, Northern Manitoba on August 14, 2024. Photo by: Aviator Nicholas Zahari, 17 Operations Support Squadron, Imaging Flight


United Nations Command: Worth More Than a DIME

The video recording of the remarkable presentation "United Nations Command: Worth More Than a DIME," featuring Lieutenant-General Derek Macaulay is now available on the RAUSI website.

At the request of the presenter, this recording is not publicly available. Become a member (or login) to receive access. Once you have logged in as a member, return to the video page and the video will be displayed.

23 October 2024

Rocky Mountain Conference on Security and Defence (RMCSD)

Lieutenant-General (Retired) The Honourable Andrew Leslie, PC, CMM, MSC, MSM, CD, a distinguished military leader and former politician, delves into Canada’s place in an increasingly complicated world. LGen Leslie, who served as the Chief of the Land Staff from 2006 to 2010 and as a Member of Parliament for Orléans from 2015 to 2019, will explore the dangers posed by the alliance of dictators, and the current state of Canada’s Armed Forces.

The Alliance of Dictators
Canada's Urgent Need To Strengthen Its Defences
Lieutenant-General (Retired) The Honourable Andrew Leslie

Wednesday, 23 October 2024
1800 hrs (MT) via Zoom

All are welcome. Invite a guest. Registration is required.

Let's Get Real

NEW: Denying Fundamental Rights

The right to self-determination is key in international law, but it's often applied selectively. As conflicts persist in regions like the Middle East, Indo-Pacific, and Ukraine, are we witnessing double standards in the use of force?

> Read full post

‍How Smart Decisions Keep Canada Safe

Do you think Canada’s intelligence and decision-making processes are prepared for the challenges ahead? Let’s discuss how we can strengthen the intelligence-decision symbiosis to safeguard Canada's future.

> Read full post and comment on LinkedIn

‍Business or Betrayal?

Indian artillery shells are being used in Ukraine, sparking Russian outrage. How did this happen? European resellers have diverted Indian munitions, leaving India in a tricky spot between pleasing NATO allies and keeping Russia calm. With billions in defence exports on the line, is India quietly picking a side, or just following the money?

> Read full post and comment on LinkedIn

Follow "Let's Get Real" on LinkedIn

Let's Get Real is your go-to for sharp, timely, and trustworthy insights on security and defence issues affecting Canada’s Armed Forces and civilians. Hosted on LinkedIn, RAUSI brings together a panel of experts ready to dissect the latest events and spark engaging discussions.

Get the most out of the series by following RAUSI’s account (which means posts will appear directly in your LinkedIn news feed), and participating in the discussions.

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For those who don't have or prefer not to get a LinkedIn account, there are still a few ways to stay updated with RAUSI’s activities and content without needing to join the platform.

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LinkedIn's algorithm tends to prioritize content from pages you're more engaged with. The more you interact with RAUSI's posts, the more likely you are to see their content regularly in your feed, helping you stay connected with key insights.


Settlement of Beaufort Sea boundary dispute must involve Inuvialuit, says IRC chair

The chair of the Inuvialuit Regional Corporation (IRC) in the N.W.T. says he expects his organization to be involved as Canada and the U.S. negotiate a long-standing boundary dispute in the Beaufort Sea.

Duane Ningaqsiq Smith says the negotiations could affect the Inuvialuit Settlement Region (ISR), if the international maritime boundary were to change.


RCAF Centennial Conference

RCAF Centennial Conference
University of Calgary
14 - 15 November 2024

‍The Royal Canadian Airforce is celebrating it’s 100th anniversary this year. You are invited to join the Centre for Military, Security and Strategic Studies at the University of Calgary on November 14 - 15, 2024 for a two-day academic conference dedicated to the socio-political history of the RCAF. Speakers and panels include government officials, academic experts, RCAF servicewomen, retired fighter pilots, and members of the military. See brief schedule >>

Regular Fee: 125.00 CAD / Student fee: 0.00 CAD

Next Issue

All members are welcome to contribute newsworthy matters to future monthly issues of Dispatches by e-mailing us at The content submission deadline is Friday, 25 October 2024.

Questions or submissions? Write to‍‍‍

We are excited to keep you informed about RAUSI and our upcoming events and news. If you ever find that this e-newsletter is not for you, simply click on the link at the bottom of this newsletter to unsubscribe.


Royal Alberta United Services Institute (RAUSI)

RAUSI is a Canadian-based forum for global civilians, humanitarian, military and international police communities to present original thoughts on trending issues, in their formative stages, as they relate to global security and defence.

Formed in 1920 as a think tank, RAUSI later evolved into a service organization for veterans in the decades following the World Wars. In this new era, RAUSI has evolved back into a think tank, publishing original content, curating extant articles, and sponsoring speaker’s symposia which amplify cross-disciplined models of 21st century security and defence.

Copyright © 2024. Royal Alberta United Service Institute, All rights reserved.

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Mewata Armoury
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