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RAUSI Dispatches - March 2025

RAUSI Dispatches - March 2025

United in Service of Defence and Security since 1920

Members of 1 Canadian Ranger Patrol Group and International Cooperative Engagement Program Polar Research (ICE-PPR) performing a road move along an ice road with snowmobiles and other vehicles to move equipment to a new location as part of Operation NANOOK-NUNALIVUT in Inuvik NWT, 24 February 2025. Photo credit: Corporal Jacob Hanlon, Canadian Forces Photo

Dear Visitor,

In this Issue:

  • Special Bulletin
  • Upcoming RMCSD Events
  • EDITORIAL INSIGHTS: The Economic Deterrence: Canada's Flexible Response to U.S. Economic Coercion
  • Strategic Outlook 2025
  • LATEST HEADLINES: Can the Arctic Council survive the Trump administration? Probably not. Here’s why
  • LATEST HEADLINES: UCalgary spinoff selected for prestigious NATO DIANA accelerator program
  • RAUSI Fundraising Casino
  • Event Calendar: Into the Summit for Mental Health and Wellness
  • Join RAUSI

Special Bulletin

Changing polarities in global and regional defence and security power grids demand Canada more sharply define and operationalize its role in defending its sovereignty and in meeting its military obligations to allies.

Accordingly, Lieutenant-General M.C. Wright, Commander of the Canadian Army, will be hosted by the Stimson Center, one of the US' outstanding think-tanks in defence and security, to address the topic, Security and Sovereignty: Exploring Canada's Vision for Land Power.

As Stimson notes, "in his role as Commander of the Canadian Army, LGen M.C. Wright leads the ground forces for the second-largest country in the world by landmass. As the global defence and security environment continues to shift, this discussion will explore how the Canadian Army is evolving to uphold its commitment to collective defence, deterrence, and safeguarding Canada’s critical interests—including operations in the Arctic and northern regions."

LGen Wright's remarks will lead the next day to a RAUSI hosted zoom presentation by Lieutenant-Colonel David Redman (Retired), whose talk, Breaking Point: National Security and the Canadian Armed Forces, will offer penetrating views on security and sovereignty from a Canadian perspective.
This is a rare opportunity to hear a range of argumentation concerning seminal and determinative decision points in shaping Canada's future projection of power, and to consider counterpoints, follow-on issues and solutions.

We encourage each RAUSI member and Friend of RAUSI to attend both events to improve their appreciation of Canada’s future defence posture.

Lieutenant-General Wright
Wednesday, 19 March 2025, 1530 – 1630 hrs (Eastern)
In-Person & Online
Register now on the Stimson Center website.

Lieutenant-Colonel Redman (Retired)
Thursday, 20 March 2025, 1900 – 2000 (Mountain)
Online Zoom (link provided upon registration)
Register now on the RAUSI website.

Upcoming RMCSD Events

Canada stands at a crossroads. Are we prepared to defend our national interests, or are we a nation drifting without direction? LCol David Redman (Ret’d), former head of Emergency Management Alberta and a veteran with extensive operational command experience, presents a critical analysis of Canada’s security posture.

Thursday, 20 March 2025
1900hrs (MT) via Zoom
All are welcome. Registration required.

Canada’s national security threats are evolving—often quietly but with significant implications for our sovereignty and defence. In this insightful session, Major-General Sylvain Y. Ménard (Retired), former Chief Fighter and NORAD Capability for the Royal Canadian Air Force, will examine three critical challenges shaping Canada’s security landscape

Wednesday, 16 April 2025
1800hrs (MT) via Zoom
All are welcome. Registration required.

Editorial Insights

The Economic Deterrence: Canada's Flexible Response to U.S. Economic Coercion
5 March 2025 | Richard Martin

Canada cannot afford to be passive in the face of U.S. economic coercion. With a strategic doctrine of deterrence, we must make any economic attack too costly to pursue.‍

Strategic Outlook 2025

The CDA Institute has released its Strategic Outlook 2025, authored by Dr. Rob Huebert.

Historically, Canadian security has rested on two key assumptions: that Canada faces no direct military threat and that the United States would always defend Canada. However, both assumptions are being challenged as global tensions rise and the Canada-U.S. relationship undergoes unprecedented shifts.

This year’s report offers a timely and essential examination of the emerging and ongoing security challenges facing Canada at this critical juncture.‍

Latest Headlines

Can the Arctic Council survive the Trump administration? Probably not. Here’s why
3 March 2025 – Arctic Today

The havoc caused by the new American administration has been devastating on a wide range of fronts. We are quite possibly witnessing the end of the western rules-based international order that has lasted since the end of World War II. While Trump’s attention hasn’t yet shifted to the Arctic Council, it should be apparent to all that this is just a matter of time. When he does, the outcomes will be devastating.

UCalgary spinoff selected for prestigious NATO DIANA accelerator program
12 February 2025 – Centre for Military, Security and Strategic Studies, University of Calgary

UCalgary spinoff’s anti-spoofing technology is moving closer to the international market as part of the latest NATO DIANA (Defence Innovation Accelerator for the North Atlantic) innovator cohort. The project, Quantum-Resistant Anti-Spoofing Solution for Assured Positioning, Navigation and Timing, from SDQ Solutions Canada, led by Dr. Susan Skone, PhD, was selected as one of 75 from over 2600 proposals to take part in NATO’s DIANA Challenge Programme.

RAUSI Fundraising Casino

RAUSI has been granted a casino fundraising event on July 2 and 3, 2025, at Deerfoot Inn & Casino (1000, 11500 – 35 Street SE, Calgary).

To make this event a success, we need volunteers for key roles, including Cash Cage, Count Room, and Chip Runners. Whether you're a seasoned volunteer or new to casinos, there’s a role for you!

Your support is essential in helping RAUSI continue its work.

Event Calendar

Into the Summit for Mental Health and Wellness

The Hamilton Gault Memorial Fund is once again hosting an exciting adventure to support mental health. On April 13, 2025, participants will venture into Rat’s Nest Cave near Canmore, Alberta, raising crucial funds and awareness for post-traumatic stress disorder and its impact on individuals and families.

Join RAUSI Today!

‍RAUSI’s legacy dates back over a century, originating during WWI. Being a member means you’re part of a historic tradition of national service—an inspiring link to generations of Canadians dedicated to shaping and protecting Canada’s place in the world.

RAUSI remains a unique institution at the forefront of national defence dialogue and professional development. Visit our website to learn more about why membership is invaluable today.

Next Issue

All members are welcome to contribute newsworthy matters to future monthly issues of Dispatches by e-mailing us at

Content submission deadline: Tuesday, 25 March 2025.
Questions or submissions? Write to‍‍‍


RAUSI is a Canadian-based forum for global civilians, humanitarian, military and international police communities to present original thought on trending issues, in their formative stages, as they relate to global security and defence.

Formed in 1920 as a think tank, RAUSI later evolved into a service organization for veterans in the decades following the World Wars. In this new era, RAUSI has evolved back into a think tank, publishing original content, curating extant articles, and sponsoring speaker’s symposia which amplify cross-disciplinary models of 21st-century security and defence.

You're receiving this message as a member or friend of RAUSI. If you ever find that this e-newsletter is not for you, simply click on the link to Unsubscribe.‍

Copyright © 2024. Royal Alberta United Service Institute (RAUSI), All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
Mewata Armoury
801 - 11 Street SW, Calgary, Alberta T2P 2C4 Canada 

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