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RAUSI Dispatches - October 2021

RAUSI Dispatches - October 2021

United in Service of Defence and Security since 1920

Dear ,

Welcome to the October 2021 issue of RAUSI's monthly e-newsletter - Dispatches. We hope you continue to enjoy learning about RAUSI's events and news. Sadly, in-person events have been postponed and/or cancelled. Hopefully we will have a chance to see one another in person again soon.

All members are warmly welcomed to contribute newsworthy matters to future monthly issues of Dispatches by e-mailing us at

Look for the next RAUSI Dispatches in your mailbox Monday, November 1.

Content submission deadline is Monday, October 25.

Questions or submission? Write to‍

If you ever find that this e-newsletter is not for you, simply click on the link at the bottom of this newsletter to unsubscribe.‍

Message from the President

After the declaration of the federal election, the subsequent limitations on communication in regard to government activities (Canadian Armed Forces) have resulted in little to no information being provided concerning local Reserve training or undertakings. Generally, the Reserves continue to train and work under enhanced COVID-19 restrictions, however, Cadet training has been generally cancelled. We are still awaiting the announcement of the cabinet, to lift the moratorium on communication.

Over the past few months, we have all been living with reduced COVID-19 restrictions, but the number of cases has continued to rise, especially in the unvaccinated sector. As a result, the Province of Alberta has instituted new measures. Anticipating the need to limit social gatherings, RAUSI decided to postpone the Welcome Back Social postponed that had been scheduled for 24 September 2021. The institute places the health and well-being of our membership as a priority and has, therefore, postponed this event until further notice. Meanwhile, RAUSI will continue to inform you of its campaign in becoming more relevant to former and current members. 

On a number of occasions, I have recently been asked, “What do I get for my RAUSI dues?” and I have been pondering the response. I have come to the conclusion that I have been trying to answer the wrong question. The real question should be, “What is the value of my RAUSI dues?” As President Kennedy once said in his inaugural address, “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.” Dues allow members to participate in the funding of promoting the Arts, Sciences and Literature related to Canada’s Defence and Security Community. They support the Institute’s website and events. Although most of these recent events have been virtual, the time will come when we may more freely socialize again and patronize public presentations and social gatherings. The transition to reconstitute and rebrand RAUSI as a “think-tank” delivering research on contemporary security and defence policy and practice to local and national audiences, has been a great step forward. Dues also support donations to like-minded charities and organizations as well as to subsidize bursaries to worthy students. Members have a voice in the direction of the institute and may advocate for changes/ opportunities that they personally value.

Maj Kent Griffiths, MMM, CD (Retired)
The Royal Alberta United Services Insitute (RAUSI)

Research Briefs

Quadrilateral Security Dialogue in the Asia Pacific Region and its adaptation to maritime security issues in the Arctic Region; Part IV

Recent developments in the Australia-India-Japan-US Quadrilateral Security Dialogue, ‘the Quad’ included the Quad’s stated focus, articulated by its member states, viz., Australia, India, Japan and the United States, as being primarily supporting freedom of navigation in the Indo-Sino Pacific region through diplomatic representation and dialogue.

The RAUSI Bursaries

The two bursaries, formerly the Wing Commander Don Freeman Memorial Bursary and the Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee Bursary, are now renamed The Royal Alberta United Services Institute Bursaries for Security and Defence Studies in Applied Technology, Physical and Social Sciences. Two $5,000 bursaries will be offered to two applicants at the Master's level. For more information on how to apply, visit the RAUSI website. The deadline to apply is 24 October 2021.

RAUSI Takes Note Of...

Canada has just come through another federal election where defence and security matters were conspicuously absent from much of the discussion.  Successive federal governments have talked about extensive plans and procurement initiatives in order to better defend Canada’s Arctic region.


Last Wednesday, RAUSI's Secretary-Treasurer & Finance Committee Chair Maj Joe Howard, CD (Retired) met with Dr. Erin Gibbs Van Brunschot, the Director of the University of Calgary's Centre for Military, Security and Strategic Studies (CMSS) to deliver a $5,000 donation cheque. The donation will be used within the CMSS to benefit their students. More information to follow.

The RAUSI Fall 2021 Newsletter

The RAUSI Fall 2021 Newsletter is now available online, and is presented in the new flipbook format. Like the 2020 Annual Report, the flipbook style makes the new publications easier to read online, with a large, clean look and ease of navigation. Check out:

  • Updates from 41 Canadian Brigade Group, The Calgary Highlanders, 41 Service Battalion, and King's Own Calgary Regiment
  • News from The Military Museums, Ghost Squadron, Valour Canada, Homes for Heros, and PPCLI Foundation
  • Moral Courage: Leading in Times of Conflict and Crisis education opportunity featuring Lieutenant-General (Ret’d) The Honourable Roméo Dallaire
  • Call for Volunteers: RAUSI Auditors needed
  • The Case for Financial Remodeling
  • Curated articles of interest which relate to the Arctic and specifically, the increase in shipping through Canada’s North West Passage

Read these articles and much more in the full issue on the website today. If you missed the Summer 2021 issue, the three latest issues are now available on the website under News > Publications, no login required.
Comments and suggestions are welcomed and encouraged. Send your feedback to‍


Building a bridge between uniformed and civilian communities, the Royal Alberta United Service Institute's vision is to be the premier organization in Alberta linking the public with members of the Canadian military and their role within and beyond the border of Canada.


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Mewata Armoury
801 - 11 Street SW, Calgary, Alberta T2P 2C4 Canada 

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