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RUSI Nova Scotia Dispatches 2025-03-21
21 March 2025 (1.01 MB)

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Cyber Intelligence Report 2025-03-20
21 March 2025 (202.42 KB)

RAUSI Dispatches

RAUSI Dispatches 2025-03-13
17 March 2025 (4 KB)

Lieutenant Governor of Alberta

Lt Gov of AB Update_Sept2024-Feb2025
12 March 2025 (1.28 MB)

Lieutenant Governor of Alberta

12 March 2025 (5.03 MB)

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Royal Alberta United Services Institute List of Officers and Directors

Major Lawrence Joseph Howard, CD (Retired)


Major Lawrence Joseph Howard, CD (Ret'd) currently guest lectures in public international law at Yangzhou University School of Law (China). Joe previously consulted to the United Nations' Department of Peacekeeping Operations, Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and Office of Internal and Oversight Services, and to the United States' Defense Security Cooperation Agency, in Africa, Asia, Europe and UN Headquarters. He also served as a Canadian military officer in Bosnia, Democratic Republic of the Congo and Sudan with NATO and the Standing High Readiness Brigade for UN Operations, and at Canada's National Defence Headquarters' J-3 International. He is a former CPA.

A PhD (public international law, China U/Political Science and Law, Beijing) follows an LL.M. (Adv., U/Leiden) and MA (international studies and diplomacy, School of Oriental and African Studies, U/London), with professional development at NATO's Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (Law of Cyberwarfare), US Naval Post Graduate School (Defense Decision Making) and UN OCHA (Staff).

Research interests concern the politico-legal chemistry between public international law (principally UN Charter law, law of armed conflict, state responsibility, international institutional law, treaty and diplomatic law), geopolitics and civil-military relations, at operational and academic levels.

Major Kent Griffiths, MMM, CD (Retired)

Past President

For 43 years, Major Kent Griffiths, MMM, CD (Ret'd) had been a member of the Canadian Armed Forces Reserves. After serving as an Army Cadet, he joined the Queen’s Own Cameron Highlanders and then The Calgary Highlanders. In 1978 he voluntarily deployed as a Peacekeeper to serve with the United Nations Emergency Force in Egypt.  

In 2004, after achieving the position of Regimental Sergeant Major of The Calgary Highlanders, and receiving the DND Ombudsman's Award for Ethics, he became the 41 Canadian Brigade Group Sergeant Major, finishing in 2007 following his time in Kandahar, Afghanistan. During this period, he was instrumental in the training and development of all of the Army Reserves in Alberta and was recognized for his outstanding efforts by being invested into the Order of Military Merit.

He was then promoted to the position of Army Reserve Sergeant Major. Subsequently he was appointed as the Chief of Reserves and Cadets Chief Warrant Officer (CWO) in May of 2009, where he provided guidance for all of the Navy, Army, Air Force, and Special Forces Reserves, and all Cadet Programs across Canada. He relinquished this position in December of 2012 to conduct a study of Non-Commissioned Member (NCM) employment in the Cadet Organizations Administration and Training Services. Returning to the Calgary Highlanders, he worked in the Regimental Major’s position, completing his Information Operations training, exploiting his skills as Harassment Advisor and First-Aid Instructor, as well as investigating the Suffield Fire of 2018 until he was commissioned directly from CWO to Major in 2019 under the Special Requirements Commissioning Plan. This was the first direct commission to the rank of Major in the history of the Canadian Armed Forces Reserves.

Kent began work with Revenue Canada – Customs and Excise in 1983 and for over 32 years, retiring as a Senior Program Officer. He has actively supported organizations for the disabled and homeless and was a mentor with the Revenue Canada Aboriginal Mentor Program. In December of 1999, Kent was awarded the Head of the Public Service Award for Service Delivery.  

In 2003, Kent took on an additional role as the Community and Cultural Liaison Officer with Juno Beach Academy of Canadian Studies. This Calgary Board of Education, special charter, Public Junior High School provided education fashioned after the Values of the Canadian military and Cadet Movement.

He recently was awarded the 2022 Veterans Affairs Ombudsman’s Commendation for Lifetime Achievement. 

Kent has been a member of RAUSI for more than 10 years and has contributed to the transition to a virtual entity and think tank. He organizes and manages the Casino fundraising activities. He originally joined to assist in the professional development of Army Reserve and Cadet members in Alberta; a goal that he still strives to meet.

Ms Karen Storwick, MSM

Vice President

As a military historian, Karen Storwick has devoted much of the past 20 years to the preservation of Canadian Military History, honouring Canadian veterans and raising awareness of their dedication and sacrifice.

As a volunteer she has raised over $2,000,000 for the Military Museums in Calgary. She is the Founder and Director of the Mural of Honour at the Military Museums and through the Mural teaches students and community groups about Canadian history and the importance of Remembrance.

As co-director of the Oral History program at the museum she has conducted over 700 interviews of Second World War, Korean War, Peacekeeping and Afghanistan War veterans. Karen is currently producing film and audio-visual content for a national touring exhibit honouring the war in Afghanistan.

Karen is also dedicated to marking Canadian battlefields in Italy with plaques and monuments and leads historical tours through the battlefields of the Italian Campaign. As a volunteer, she coordinated annual Veteran’s Pilgrimages and Commemorative Ceremonies in Italy, fundraising to cover costs for the monuments. She has traveled with over 70 veterans and their families on these pilgrimages. As Second World War veterans have reached an age where they are less able to travel, Karen now leads Battle Field Tours for family and Regimental members.

As an extension to the work she does in Italy, Karen has developed an educational study program and tour itinerary for athletic teams and school children to honour the personal stories of soldiers buried in Italy and study the battlefields of the Italian Campaign.

In 2012 Karen was awarded the Veteran's Affairs Commendation Medal for her work in the development of the Mural of Honour and the preservation of Canadian history in Italy. In 2017 Karen was awarded the Meritorious Service Medal for her work to honour veterans of Canada.

When not devoting her time to her interest in Military History, Karen immerses herself in her other passions; her family, her dogs, golf and music.

Lieutenant-Colonel Deanna Manson, CD (Retired)


Deanna Manson hails from Cornwall, ON and began her military career in 1989 at Royal Military College of Canada.  Graduating in 1993 with a B.A. in Honours History, Deanna embarked on her career as an Royal Canadian Air Force Logistics Officer and enjoyed postings across Canada.  Her operational deployments include Operation DETERMINATION in Kuwait City, Kuwait (1998), Op CENTRAL in La Ceiba, Honduras (1998) and Operation HESTIA in Barahona, Dominican Republic (2010).  Deanna also held command appointments at 4 Canadian Forces Movement Control Unit, 4 Wing Cold Lake, and on Operation NANOOK in 2014.

Retiring from the Canadian Armed Forces in 2017, Deanna went on to work for the United Nations in New York and Uganda as the Chief of Section Passenger Movement Operations. In 2022 she took on a new role at Canada Border Services Agency and currently is an Assistant Director in the Intelligence and Enforcement Operations Division.

Outside of the workplace Deanna is an avid musician and performs regularly with the Calgary Civic Symphony and Front Row Centre Players.

Lieutenant-Colonel Dave Sweeney, CD (Retired)

Treasurer, Governance 

Lieutenant-Colonel Dave Sweeney, CD was born into a military family. In 1988, he joined The Governor General’s Foot Guards and participated in the Changing of the Guard ceremony on Parliament Hill in Ottawa. In 1991, he commissioned as a Logistics Officer with the Canadian Armed Forces. He has served as the Non-Public Funds Accounting Officer and Platoon Commander at 14 (Calgary) Service Battalion, the Deputy Commanding Officer at Area Support Unit Calgary, and Adjutant, G4 Operations and G4 at 41 Canadian Brigade Group Headquarters. He served as Company Commander, Deputy Commanding Officer, and Commanding Officer at 41 Service Battalion. Since 2019, Dave has been employed as Directing Staff on the Joint Command and Staff Programme Distance Learning at the Canadian Forces College in Toronto. He deployed to Bosnia-Herzegovina in 2002 as G4 Operations on Op PALLADIUM Roto 11, and to Kuwait and Iraq in 2018 as Chief of the Base Camp Management Center for the Combined Joint Task Force - Operation Inherent Resolve Headquarters on Op IMPACT Roto 7.

Dave has a Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Sociology from Carleton University, a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Athabasca University, and a Master of Defence Studies (MDS) from the Royal Military College of Canada. The title of his MDS essay is Beasts of Burden: Horse Transport on the Western Front. He completed the Master Teacher Program (MTP) at the United States Military Academy at West Point, and the Overseas Directing Staff Course (ODSC) at the Defence Academy of the United Kingdom and is a certified Professional Logistician (P. Log) from The Logistics Institute in Toronto.

Major-General Paul Bury, OMM, MStJ, CD (Retired)

Director, Governance

Major-General Paul Bury, OMM, CD (Ret'd) has been a member of the Institute for many years and has served on the Board of Directors since April 2020. Paul holds an undergraduate degree from the University of Alberta and a Masters degree (Criminology) from Boston University. Paul served in the Canadian Armed Forces for 33 years, retiring in 2019 from his appointment as Chief Reserves and Employer Support at National Defence Headquarters (Ottawa). He has served as the Chair, Programs Committee since April 2020.

Captain Stewart Campbell, CD (Retired)

Director, Governance

Captain Stewart Campbell, CD (Ret'd), MBA, PLog, served 20 years in the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) as a Logistics Supply Officer (RCA). With postings with 4 CMBG (HQ & Sigs), 2 CMBG (G4 Sup), and finally with 1 CMBG 1 Service Battalion as OC Sup Coy until the closure of CFB Calgary in 1997. He attended The Royal Military College of Canada (BComm) and received a MBA from Athabasca University.

Stewart is the recipient of the UN Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF); Canadian Forces Decoration, Canadian Peacekeeping Service Medal (CPSM), Special Service Medal (SSM), QEII Diamond Jubilee, QEII Platinum Jubilee, and Sovereign’s Medal for Volunteer medals. As an active volunteer, Stewart has been recognized for his support to Habitat for Humanity, JDRF, and A-leg-Up Foundation(raising funds for veteran prosthetic limbs).

Upon retirement from the CAF, Stewart began a 20+ year career in business with experience at senior management levels at major Calgary based Oil & Gas (exploration, upstream, midstream) companies, and at executive levels in manufacturing, all within the supply chain management arena. Stewart was repatriated from Mexico City in 2020 after a three year stint constructing onshore/offshore(Gulf of Mexico natural gas pipelines.

Stewart is an exceptionally motivated and results-driven executive with years of well-rounded leadership experience. A highly strategic/tactical thinker who is passionate about DND, Business operations, charity work, and achieving mission goals. He has been a RAUSI member since 2008 and recently joined the Board as Director Governance, and looks forward to working with the team on expanding our membership reach and expanding upon our great service offerings.

Director, Research

Ms Sarah Collins-Fattedad

Director, Research

To be provided

Captain Reverand Derwyn Costinak

Honorary Chaplain

To be provided

Consultant, Webmaster

Ms Angela Craig

Consultant, Webmaster

Angela Craig has been an independent consultant for over 25 years. With a background in IT Support, graphic design, and marketing, she began designing and developing websites in the mid-90's. Working with small businesses, she enjoys coding custom solutions and often expands her services to provide various other technical services as required.

Angela began working with RAUSI in 2020 as the Institute shifted away from in-person events to digital delivery due to COVID-19. She provides ongoing development of the website, assists with event promotion and management, as well as video production.

Angela has volunteered extensively focussing primarily on community engagement and children's education. She is proud to be a founding member and former co-owner of the Maria Montessori Education Centre in Calgary, AB. She also enjoys music, singing and volunteering for several years with Mount Royal Kantorei.

Major-General John Milne, MSM, CD (Retired)

Director, Governance

Major-General John Milne, MSM, CD (Ret'd) served 38 years in the Canadian Armed Forces as a Signal Officer in the Regular Force then an Armoured Officer in the Primary Reserve. He has commanded at the troop, squadron, unit, and brigade levels, and has served in different capacities in NDHQ. As a Brigadier-General he was the Deputy Commander of Land Force Central Area, Deputy Commander of the Land Force Doctrine and Training System, then the Director General of Reserves and Cadets. Upon promotion to Major-General, he led the DND/CAF Defence Renewal Team before his final assignment at VAC as a special advisor to the Deputy Minister. Operationally, he has deployed with NATO to Germany and Norway, with the United Nations in Cyprus, and in Afghanistan embedded in the Afghan Army Headquarters. He released from the CAF in 2018

Concurrently with being a part-time Reservist, Jay had a 20-year career as an engineer, program manager, and director at a Canadian defence company, managing two Canadian billion dollar-plus programs.

Barb and Jay have settled in Calgary, AB and have three adult children plus three grandchildren. Jay holds a BSc in Honours Mathematics and Physics and a MA in Security and Defence Management and Policy.

Brigadier-General Gregory B Mitchell (Retired), CD, MPA


Brigadier-General Gregory B. Mitchell (Retired) was a career infantry officer with The Royal Canadian Regiment and the Canadian Airborne Regiment. He completed five United Nations peacekeeping missions and several domestic operations, including the Oka Crisis, and 9/11 in Atlantic Canada. His final military posting was to Denmark where he was the only Canadian ever to command the Multinational Stand-by High Readiness Brigade for United Nations Operations (SHIRBRIG). While there, Greg served as a UN Military Advisor to the Sudanese ceasefire negotiations, helped the UN to plan and establish its peacekeeping missions in Sudan, then deployed as Deputy Force Commander.

After retirement from the Canadian Armed Forces, Greg worked on behalf of the UN’s Department of Peacekeeping Operations in New York, Search for Common Ground in Washington, DC (for Roméo Dallaire’s Child Soldiers Initiative), the Pearson Peacekeeping Centre in Ottawa and Addis Ababa, and for the Royal Military Colleges Club of Canada in Kingston, ON. He is currently Executive Director of Peace Operations Consulting, and VP of the Canadian Peacekeeping Veterans’ Association. He lives with his bride in Kingston, and they have two grown sons, two of whom serve in The Royal Canadian Regiment.

Corporal Michael O’Sullivan

Honorary Piper

To be provided

Consultant, Social Media

Ms Satoko Onoda

Consultant, Social Media

Satoko "Tokie" Onoda boasts over two decades of expertise as an independent Communications Specialist in and around Calgary. Her expertise spans marketing, strategic communication planning, digital/social media strategies, and brand marketing. She has catered to a diverse clientele, ranging from non-profit organizations to the renewable energy sector. She integrates insights from her experience with creative finesse, ensuring each message lands with impact. 

Tokie has been a part of the RAUSI team since 2020, focusing on social media marketing and curating the monthly newsletter, Dispatches.

She is also an active board member for several organizations including the position of VP Marketing at Choir Alberta. Beyond her professional pursuits, Tokie is a violinist and performs with various orchestras and chamber music ensembles.

Director, Communications

Captain Candy Poon, CD (Retired)

Director, Communications

Captain Candy Poon, CD (Retired) served as a logistics officer in Calgary for 17 years. In her full time career, Candy is a business leader and a seasoned project manager. Candy joined the board of RAUSI in 2022. She is passionate about expanding on opportunities to leverage data and project management to deepen the Institute's insight on internal operations and growth strategies.

Candy has a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from the University of Calgary, a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Liverpool, is a certified Project Management Professional, and is a certified agile leader.

Honorary Solicitor


Honorary Solicitor

To be provided

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