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3 February, 2025

RMCSD 2024-05 Romeo Dallaire

LGen J.O. Michel Maisonneuve, CMM, MSC, CD (Ret’d) discusses Canada's crises of leadership and complacency, critiquing extremist progressive policies, a lack of vision for the country, and flagging pride in Canada. He examines how complacency impacts Canadians' engagement with governance and highlights the urgent need for patriotism, a strong defence policy, better-equipped armed forces, and a renewed international presence. Using personal insights and historical examples, he advocates for leaders with courage, an engaged population willing to serve, and a unifying vision to guide Canada toward its full potential.

Following a 30-minute presentation, the audience is encouraged to engage in respectful discourse through relevant questions and constructive challenges. These non-partisan discussions aim to foster thought-provoking exchanges that promote understanding, encourage diverse perspectives, and ensure all parties leave better informed on security and defence.

Come early and enjoy some relaxed conversation and camaraderie before LGen Maisonneuve's presentation. This is the perfect opportunity to connect with fellow RAUSI members and guests, share ideas, and build relationships in a welcoming atmosphere.

Canada’s Leadership Crisis
Confronting Complacency and Defending Our Future

Lieutenant-General J.O. Michel Maisonneuve
CMM, MSC, CD (Retired)

Monday, 3 February 2025

Watch Full Presentation Video

LGen J.O. Michel Maisonneuve, CMM, MSC, CD (Ret’d), delivers a compelling critique of Canada’s leadership landscape, highlighting a dangerous blend of complacency and underfunded defence priorities. With a call for renewed leadership and national service, he addresses the urgent need for cohesive vision, stronger communication, and greater investment in national defence to safeguard Canada’s future. Key Points:

  • The erosion of patriotic sentiment in Canada from 62% in 2016 to 49% today.
  • Chronic underfunding of defence, despite strong military leadership and plans for reform.
  • The need for leaders to unite Canadians under a shared national vision and to foster service-oriented mindsets.
  • International implications of Canada’s weakened leadership stance amid rising global threats.

0:00 - Introduction & Welcome
Karen Storwick, VP of RAUSI, opens the event, highlighting RAUSI’s mission and introducing LGen Maisonneuve.

4:35 - LGen Maisonneuve’s Military Career
Frédéric Maurette, moderator, provides an overview of LGen Maisonneuve’s distinguished service, including his international roles and recognition by Canada, NATO, and allied nations.

6:37 Introductory Remarks
LGen Maisonneuve speaks to his upbringing in Calgary, and the Vimy Award speach that prompted writing of his book, "In Defence of Canada."

12:00 - Rising Global Threats & Complacency in Canada
Discussion of global instability with the emergence of a new "Eurasian axis of evil" (Russia, Iran, North Korea, China) and Canada’s lack of urgency in addressing these threats.

20:23 - Canada’s Internal Struggles: Debt, Division, and Declining Patriotism
Canada’s rising debt, declining productivity, and the erosion of national pride. LGen Maisonneuve critiques identity politics, climate policies, and leadership gaps.

32:54 - Remembering Sacrifice: The Unknown Soldier and Canada’s Lost Confidence
Reflecting on Canadian patriotism and the need for a national vision to unite citizens, inspired by military history and sacrifice.

47:09 - The Budget & Defence Funding Crisis
The chronic underfunding of Canada’s military and the need to meet NATO’s 2% GDP target, emphasizing the broader implications for national security.

54:30 - The Moral Contract with Soldiers
A powerful call to honour the commitment to Canadian soldiers by ensuring they receive proper training, equipment, and support upon returning from service.

1:07:27 - The Military Infrastructure Crisis
Discussion on outdated military facilities, the housing crisis on bases, and how improving infrastructure could aid recruitment and morale.

1:15:19 - The Role of Public Service and Speaking Out
LGen Maisonneuve addresses the restrictions on military personnel speaking publicly about policy and reflects on the responsibilities of leadership beyond active service.

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About the Presenter

Michel Maisonneuve completed 35 years of active service in the Canadian Armed Forces in May 2007. A tank officer from 12e RBC, he served in many locales throughout Canada and for a total of 10 years outside the country on operational missions and international positions, eventually rising to the rank of Lieutenant-General.

Along the way, his exemplary service was recognized by awards from Canada, the U.S., France and NATO. Michel testified in The Hague against Slobodan Milosevic, commanded the funeral for the Unknown Soldier in Ottawa and was the first Chief of Staff of NATO’s Supreme Allied Command Transformation.

After his service in uniform, he continued to serve Canada as the first Academic Director (Principal) of Royal Military College Saint-Jean on its re-opening in December 2007, and for more than 10 years afterwards. He was named the 30th laureate of the Vimy Award in 2022 for his exceptional contribution to Canada’s security and defence, and the preservation of its democratic values. On that occasion he gave a rousing speech that gained him the moniker “The Anti-Woke General” and upset some left-wing media and academics.

A native and bilingual Quebecer, Michel is passionate about Veterans and serving military personnel, the preservation of Canada’s proud history, the importance of volunteerism, leadership and service in our country, and the freedom and willingness to participate in its development.

A father of four, Michel and his wife Barbara live in Niagara with their very well-behaved little white dog Kevin. He tries to keep in shape by walking and stays humble by playing golf badly. He enjoys the occasional cigar, a dram of scotch, and solving the world’s problems in great conversation with friends.

His book, “In Defence of Canada: Reflections of a Patriot” was published in October 2024.

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