15 October, 2021
The Institute remains a community advocate and strong supporter of the Canadian Cadet Organizations (CCO) and their partner Cadet Leagues. Through a variety of methods, RAUSI promotes the ideals of developing citizenship, leadership, as well as physical and mental fitness in Canada’s next generation of leaders. To that end, RAUSI hosted a small ceremony at The Military Museums in Calgary AB, on 14 October, 2021, in order to make donations of $5,000.00 to each of the Army Cadet League of Canada (Alberta), The Navy League of Canada (Alberta Division), and the Alberta Provincial Committee – Air Cadet League of Canada. Accepting on behalf of the Cadet Leagues were Ed Liukaitis, Jim Golbourn and Angèle Mullins respectively.
The Canadian Cadet Organizations currently supervise over 57,000 youth, organized into 1,200 Cadet Corps and Squadrons in approximately 800 communities from coast-to-coast. Attending supervised activities one evening per week and one weekend per month, these developing Canadian leaders hone their skill sets as communities invest in their youth. RAUSI understands the value-added of this investment and will continue to promote the necessary work carried out by the three Cadet Leagues in their partnership with the CCO.

Left to right: Kent Griffiths, RAUSI President, Ed Liukaitis, Army Cadet League of Canada (Alberta), Angèle Mullins, the Alberta Provincial Committee – Air Cadet League of Canada, Jim Golbourn, The Navy League of Canada (Alberta Division), Paul Bury, RAUSI Programs Director.

Left to right: Kent Griffiths, RAUSI President, presents donation to Ed Liukaitis, Army Cadet League of Canada (Alberta).

Left to right: Kent Griffiths, RAUSI President, presents donation to Jim Golbourn, The Navy League of Canada (Alberta Division).

Left to right: Kent Griffiths, RAUSI President, presents donation to Angèle Mullins, the Alberta Provincial Committee – Air Cadet League of Canada.